How to Bull Snap to The Max

€ 2,75

Soonjin was humming to herself whispering her latest song

“The dearest, neediest, mightiest of Pens

Cannot but take over the nastiest bite of the Serpent

Ahh… Magic Potion number 9, if you were real

Hyungkyu would stay forever. This boy naught know

The truth’s of the world. Every Con-Artist’s Act begins

With a Handshake & a Smile.”

Soonjin was humming to herself whispering her latest song

“The dearest, neediest, mightiest of Pens

Cannot but take over the nastiest bite of the Serpent

Ahh… Magic Potion number 9, if you were real

Hyungkyu would stay forever. This boy naught know

The truth’s of the world. Every Con-Artist’s Act begins

With a Handshake & a Smile.”

€ 2,75
€ 0,00
€ 2,75