Diabetes Control-How to Lower Triglycerides Naturally

€ 0,91

Triglycerides are a major indicator of your risk of heart disease and weight gain. Your body is capable of producing massive amounts of them if you do not control the factors that control them.
Triglycerides and cholesterol are related, but are distinctly different kinds of fat. Your body needs both types, but it is very important that they be controlled.
There are no symptoms of elevated triglyceride levels. They increase the viscosity (thickness) of the blood, which increases the risk of artery damage and heart disease.
Learning how to reduce and control the triglyceride levels is a very important step in the process of controlling diabetes, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Triglycerides are a major indicator of your risk of heart disease and weight gain. Your body is capable of producing massive amounts of them if you do not control the factors that control them.
Triglycerides and cholesterol are related, but are distinctly different kinds of fat. Your body needs both types, but it is very important that they be controlled.
There are no symptoms of elevated triglyceride levels. They increase the viscosity (thickness) of the blood, which increases the risk of artery damage and heart disease.
Learning how to reduce and control the triglyceride levels is a very important step in the process of controlling diabetes, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

€ 0,91
€ 0,00
€ 0,91