Lafz...Unspoken Words

€ 1,22

Lafz...Unspoken Words is a collection of poetry where the poet has portrayed every group, every circumstance, part of life. The search for meaning in life often makes one think that the tiny little things are inconsequential but, yet they often lead to massive things in life.

'Poetry is a best form of expressing your emotion and thoughts without saying a single word. “Great poetry has the capacity to purify and ennoble any individual.”

“हाथ में दो बूँद समंदर लिए, चाहत है सागर को पाने की

यूँ उछाला है लंग़र फ़लक पे, चाहत है चाँद को ज़मीं पे लाने की"

The author believes that the anthology of his poems is a testimony to see the life in a different way and feel the actual essence of life. This is his first book of poetry and he hopes it would perhaps influence and help others.

Lafz...Unspoken Words is a collection of poetry where the poet has portrayed every group, every circumstance, part of life. The search for meaning in life often makes one think that the tiny little things are inconsequential but, yet they often lead to massive things in life.

'Poetry is a best form of expressing your emotion and thoughts without saying a single word. “Great poetry has the capacity to purify and ennoble any individual.”

“हाथ में दो बूँद समंदर लिए, चाहत है सागर को पाने की

यूँ उछाला है लंग़र फ़लक पे, चाहत है चाँद को ज़मीं पे लाने की"

The author believes that the anthology of his poems is a testimony to see the life in a different way and feel the actual essence of life. This is his first book of poetry and he hopes it would perhaps influence and help others.

€ 1,22
€ 0,00
€ 1,22