Tod im Schnee - Verhörte Architektur

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Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Kunst - Architektur, Baugeschichte, Denkmalpflege, Note: 1,0, Universität Stuttgart (Institut Grundlagen Moderner Architektur), 110 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'Nobody, ahem, shouldn't you be with your own tribe, or something?' 'My blood is mixed, my mother was UMGAMBEIPAKANI, my father is ABSOLUKA. This mixture was not respected. As a small boy, I was often left to myself. So I spent many months, stalking the elk people, to proove I would soon become a good hunter. One day finally, my elk relatives took pitty on me and a young elk gave his life to me. With only my knife I took his life. As I was preparing to cut the meet, white man came upon me. They were English soldiers, I cut one with my knife, but they hit me on the head with a rifle. All went black, my spirits seemed to leave me. I was then taken east, in a cage.[...] And each time I arrived in another city, somehow the white man had moved, all their people there headed me. Each new city contained the same white people as the last, and I could not under-stand how a whole city of people could be moved so quickly. Eventually, I was taken on a ship across the great sea, over to England. And I was paraded before them, like a captured animal, an exhibit. And so I mimicked them, imitating their ways, hoping that they might lose interest in this young savage. But their interest only grew. I was copying them, so they placed me into the white mans schools. [...] But I make careful plans an' I eventually escaped. Once again I crossed the great ocean. I saw many sad things as I made my way back to the lands of my people. Once they realised who I was, the stories of my adventures angered them. They called me a liar, exceeded it: he, who talks loud saying nothing. They ridiculed me, my own people! And I was left to wander the earth alone. I am nobody.' [...]

Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Kunst - Architektur, Baugeschichte, Denkmalpflege, Note: 1,0, Universität Stuttgart (Institut Grundlagen Moderner Architektur), 110 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'Nobody, ahem, shouldn't you be with your own tribe, or something?' 'My blood is mixed, my mother was UMGAMBEIPAKANI, my father is ABSOLUKA. This mixture was not respected. As a small boy, I was often left to myself. So I spent many months, stalking the elk people, to proove I would soon become a good hunter. One day finally, my elk relatives took pitty on me and a young elk gave his life to me. With only my knife I took his life. As I was preparing to cut the meet, white man came upon me. They were English soldiers, I cut one with my knife, but they hit me on the head with a rifle. All went black, my spirits seemed to leave me. I was then taken east, in a cage.[...] And each time I arrived in another city, somehow the white man had moved, all their people there headed me. Each new city contained the same white people as the last, and I could not under-stand how a whole city of people could be moved so quickly. Eventually, I was taken on a ship across the great sea, over to England. And I was paraded before them, like a captured animal, an exhibit. And so I mimicked them, imitating their ways, hoping that they might lose interest in this young savage. But their interest only grew. I was copying them, so they placed me into the white mans schools. [...] But I make careful plans an' I eventually escaped. Once again I crossed the great ocean. I saw many sad things as I made my way back to the lands of my people. Once they realised who I was, the stories of my adventures angered them. They called me a liar, exceeded it: he, who talks loud saying nothing. They ridiculed me, my own people! And I was left to wander the earth alone. I am nobody.' [...]

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